Our team have broad variety of skills and competences. Some of us have more than 20 years of IT experience.
We all are very curious and always trying a lot of things. There are our major skills only listed here (the ones we using or used in real-life projects). Being experts in listed technologies allows us to build software in short terms maintaining high-level of quality and reliability.
Major technology for building online applications and cloud services is PHP. We trying to aim technology edge but it is not always possible due to dependencies. For now we using PHP 8.3 mostly with couple servers running very old software under PHP 7.3 yet.
There is also JavaScript used in projects for minor browser-side functionality.
Used time to time for some secondary tasks: C#, golang.
- MySQL (https://www.mysql.com)
- Redis (https://redis.io)
MySQL is used as primary data storage. We use complex setups with master-multislave replication, online data backups.
Redis is used as fast in-memory cache.
- Bootstrap Framework (https://getbootstrap.com)
- SASS (https://sass-lang.com)
- Twig (https://twig.symfony.com)
- Font Awesome (https://fontawesome.com)
All this technologies used in our self-developed Drupal theme 'mtlaptheme' (part of MtLap Platform).
- Git (https://git-scm.com)
- Gitea (https://gitea.io) - source code storage.
- Jenkins (https://www.jenkins.io) - mostly used as ansible playbooks runner: deploying servers and services, SSL certificates updates, DNS management, running data backup.
- Ansible (https://www.ansible.com) - all configurations are stored as ansible playbooks. All servers and services are deployed and configured by ansible.
- Composer (https://getcomposer.org)
- Redmine (https://www.redmine.org) - project management, task management, some internal wikis.
- osTicket (https://osticket.com) - external users support (ticketing system).
- Zabbix (https://www.zabbix.com) - monitoring, alerts, fine tuning.
- Debian Linux (https://www.debian.org) - operational system for all our servers.
- WireGuard (https://www.wireguard.com) - encrypted internal networking. All our cloud servers interconnect with encrypted tunnels only.
- Mail server:
- Postfix (https://www.postfix.org) - mail delivery.
- Dovecot (https://www.dovecot.org) - mailboxes and IMAP access.
- SpamAssassin (https://spamassassin.apache.org) - spam filtering.
- 389 Directory Server (https://directory.fedoraproject.org) - internal users authentication and access lists, mailserver setup.
- Apache (https://httpd.apache.org) - primary backend webserver.
- Nginx (https://www.nginx.com) - workload balancing, reverse proxy, forward proxy.
- Bash (https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) - a lot of complex shell scripting for various tasks.
- Bind 9 as DNS server (https://www.isc.org/bind/) - self-managed nameserver with dynamic updates.
- Let's Encrypt (https://letsencrypt.org) - SSL certificates.
Today we use more than 20 cloud servers for different tasks. All software configurations stored in git repository as ansible playbooks. This allows us to setup new servers in several clicks and 5-10 minutes of waiting while ansible doing its work. This significantly reduces costs for server management, allows us to be very flexible while adjusting resources amount of existing infrastructure or starting new projects.