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логотип mt-howmany

GitHub Version Packagist Version

Command-line utility to measure project sources size, files count, lines count, characters count. You can exclude vendor libraries, binary files, generated code and so from scanning.

Our goal was to understand how many code characters, lines and pages were written by our own hands for various projects.

Please see GitHub project page for installation, configuration and usage details.

Notes, bugreports, proposals and pull requests are always welcomed.

Output Example

mt-howmany by MiTo Team
Working directory: /www/
Config file loaded: /www/
Config file loaded: /www/
Results by file extension
 ----------- -------- ------------ ------------- -------
  Type        Size     Characters   Files Count   Lines
 ----------- -------- ------------ ------------- -------
  php         777Kb    782756       174           32225
  twig        50.0Kb   51145        26            1471
  scss        29.8Kb   30464        47            1886
  js          17.1Kb   17276        11            637
  yml         15.5Kb   15767        18            621
  sh          9.59Kb   9816         11            348
  po          3.69Kb   2965         1             164
  json        3.27Kb   3344         4             127
  module      3.10Kb   3176         2             131
  theme       3.06Kb   3133         2             123
  gitignore   2.23Kb   2280         2             82
  md          2.08Kb   1323         6             38
  txt         139      139          1             8
  htaccess    38       38           2             4
 ----------- -------- ------------ ------------- -------
Types count: 14
Paths count: 67
Files count: 307
Size: 916Kb
Characters: 923622
Lines: 37865
Pages by Characters: 257
Pages by Lines: 1052
